- A critical examination of key assumptions underlying diversity and social justice courses in social work (Mehrotra, Hudson, & Self, 2018)
- What are we teaching in diversity and social justice courses? A qualitative content analysis of MSW syllabi (Mehrotra, Hudson, & Self, 2017)
- “I’m in this world for a reason”: Resilience and recovery among American Indian and Alaska Native two-spirit women (Elm, Lewis, Walters, & Self, 2016)
- Queering center: A critical discourse analysis of university LGBT center theoretical foundations (Self, 2014)
- Dangerous waters and brave space: A critical feminist inquiry of campus LGBTQ centers (Self & Hudson, 2015)
- Critical feminist social work and the queer query, Chapter 15 in book: Feminisms in Social Work Research: Promise and possibilities for justice-based knowledge. Edition. First. (Self, 2014)
- #1 University for LGBTQ Students—Q Center
- Jay Smooth: How I learned how to stop worrying and love discussing race.
- What if White People Led the Charge to end Racism? Nita Mosby Tyler TedXMileHigh
- Slavery, race, and the origins of American Freedom, Professor Stephanie Smallwood
- (podcasts)
- Code Switch
- Lady Don’t Take No with Alicia Garza
- Stuff you Missed in History Class
- Black History in Two Minutes
- Doin’ the Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change
- On the Margins
- All My Relations
- This Land
- Conversations with People who Hate Me
- 2 Dope Queens
- Politically Re-Active
- Kamau Right Now!
- Sex Out Loud
- Dirty Diversity
- Dear Sugar
- Sibling Rivalry
- Harvard Edcast
- Dolly Parton’s America
- Queer by Barbequeer
- Cultural Diversity: Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness & Neuroplasticity
- Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in Leadership: HBR
- The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Success
- Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- DEI + EI: Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion would benefit from Emotional Intelligence
- How Emotional Intelligence Drives Diversity and Inclusion
- Emotional Intelligence Approach to Diversity and Inclusion
- WA Black Trans Task Force
- Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network
- Liberation Medical School
- Queer The Land
- The Center for Sex Positive Culture
- Planned Parenthood
- Seattle Pride
- TSER website
- Q Center website at UW
- Pride Foundation
- Point Foundation
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project
- Southerners on New Ground (SONG)
- Transgender Law Center
- The Trevor Project
- Northwest Gender Alliance
- Washington LGBTQ Commission
- Seattle LGBTQ Commission
- Audre Lorde Project
- A4TE (National Center for Transgender Equality)
- Gender Justice League
- Emerald City Black Pride
- Entre Hermanos
- Noor
- Puget Sound LGBTQ Resource and Referral Page
- We Are 1
- Pride Asia
- What does queer mean?
- Sex Ed for Queer Youth
- Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA)
- Black Businesses in Seattle You Can Support - Seattle Refined
- 300+ Black-Owned Family Businesses We Love - Red Tricycle
- Black-Owned Restaurants in Seattle (app)
- Pay Your Teachers: How to Compensate Black Women & Femmes (by Threads of Solidarity: WOC Against Racism)
- FEEST Seattle
- Queer Businesses Seattle
- YMCA of Greater Seattle
- Equal Rights Washington
- Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute
- Communities Rise
- Northwest Immigration Rights Project
- Northwest African American Museum
- Technology Access Fund
- 4 Culture
- Hugo House