When I was little,
A boy got my toy and ruined it
I was told that he just liked me
So I just kept quiet
When I was a teen,
My feelings were played with
I was told it was natural
So I just kept quiet
At the same time,
My body was also played with
I was told to shut up, it's my fault
So I just kept quiet
When I was growing up,
I also saw how everybody changed
Women are from Venus,
Men are from Mars
I didn't like the thought,
but I just kept quiet
When I was older,
I realized the gravity of being quiet
So I spoke, I shouted, I was angry
Still, I was told to keep quiet
The false dichotomy, the ad hominems
thrown because you should just stand still
will just go on and on
if we just keep quiet
There is no right time or right moment
To scream, to shout, to be firm
I would rather be part of laughters and smiles
than to just sit still, and be quiet.
This piece was first published in the 365 Wonders 2019 Planner Edition Feminism by Woman, Create. Check out the Instagram post here.
Keep Quiet